Count the usb cords! 🥳

Rack of 96 usb charging parts and a ton of electronics parts.

Soldering supplies. ☕️

Two cups of black coffee.

It’s been quite the day! //@pratik @smokey

Wooden dining table covered with soldering equipment.

The artist relaxing in her dressing room. 🐢

Roomba the tortoise in a cardboard box.

3 Qs

Why would one want a giant smartphone mirror in one’s home?

Why would you choose the ungooglable name “Mirror” for your business?

Must you have super heteronormative advertising? Strength/boxing—men in baggy clothes from the side. Cardio/dance—women in tights from behind.

Subway add for a "Mirror" (TM). Apparently a giant smartphone for exercise at home.

Aren’t you so pretty in that golden light. 🤓

LED headlamp on wooden table.

It’s been a long, long day. 🤤

Selfie wearing Phillies hat and self-made LED headlampz

Well, are you? 🙃 //@hollyhoneychurch, do the cattos help?

Subway ad saying "are you sleeping with the right fluff?"

When you need to charge 100 usb devices at once. Step 1 of many. 🤓

Three large amazon boxes on a rolling cart.

My dining table. 🙃🛠🎛

Wooden dining table covered with electronics gear.

Now to see if I’ve planned the wiring correctly… 😬 //@burk

Several circuit boards on solderless breadboards. Prototype of the wireless headlamps.

One upping @Burk on projects!!!! 🤓

Vise holding assembled circuit boards with LED module on top.

Microblogvember Day 3:

Now that’s some fancy frost!

Green New England field covered in frost.

Civic duty done! 🗽

Absentee Ballot Envelope.

Inktober for why I drink so much coffee. ☕️☕️☕️

Ah, the end of summer in Vermont. 🍁

Wooden hill lit by late afternoon sun.Hunting cabin in rural Vermont.Pond with wildflowers.

Coffee? Beer? Same growler.

And Brooklyn continues it march up the Hudson. 🙃

A Dress Well Read | New York Times, Berkshire Eagle, and single use plastic bags. | Deb Carter, Lenox, MA

Dress made out of plastic bags, glowing from sun through windows.

Mmmmm, Nutella waffle, mmmm. 😃

The @macgenie photo challenge day nine: “Persistence, or what Gary needed to restore this ‘60s era Porsche.”

Chrome '60s era Porsche in a sunny field.

My fav. note book. 🖋 //@kaa @Ron

Bee Paper Company Super Deluxe 4 inch by 6 inch note cover.Double Spread of Notebook Pages with Notes about "Hubble Cantata"

The @macgenie photo challenge day eight: “Happiness, or what I’ll feel if Ample Hills brings back this flavor.” 🍨

Card for ice cream named: "I want to marry this, 100% pure maple syrup ice cream with pieces of homemade all natural bacon bark."

The @macgenie photo challenge day seven: “Relief, or what I felt after I finished climbing these steps.” 🥾

Looking up a long set of wooden steps disappearing into a forest on a sunny summer day.

The @macgenie photo challenge day six: “Support, or the Kodak Lion Force.”

Voltron Starshooter 110. A camera shaped like the Lion Voltron.

Decadence in a cup.

Cup of coffee and fudge ice cream.